Quo vadis Architetto?

Date: November 25th, 2021 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Location: Combo, Corso Santa Margherita 128, Turin

Fourth edition of Dedalo Minosse Cinema that promotes "Quo Vadis Architetto", the latest book of Giorgio Scianca, a unique series of films that puts together cinema and architecture: 600 movies (and a videogame) starring an architect, strictly shot between 2010 and 2020.
An occasion to re-read ten years suspension from growth, a new time, personal and dilated, with violent accelerations and forced breaks of imprisonment in the magic light of cinema.

To bring together the plots of these films from all over the world is a "creative" escape, but an escape from what?
The author of the project, Giorgio Scianca, will talk about it in dialogue with the film critic and art director Steve Della Casa, and with the actor and radio host of Hollywood party Efisio Mulas (Claudio De Pasqualis).

Admission is free and subject to available seating with accreditation in place.
For architects who will register, will be assigned 2 CFP.

For details and registration procedures, go to the dedicated page: